Growth Track

Growth Track is a class designed to help you discover your purpose, realize your potential, and help you get connected at Grace.  During Growth Track you will:

  • Learn about what we believe as a church and why we believe it.
  • Dive into the details of your personality, strengthen your character, and discover your spiritual gifts.
  • Find out how you can connect with others at Grace.
  • Connect to the opportunities available to serve on a ministry team at Grace.

Growth track usually meets on the second Sunday of the month from 11am to 2pm in the Hearth Room, which is located on the lower level of the main building.  Completion of Growth Track is the first step in joining a ministry team and serving at Grace Church.  A light lunch is provided and childcare is available if needed.  Registration is required by the Wednesday prior to class.  To register for the next Growth Track class, click the button below.